Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Day!

Look at the snow!
Mike's S'mores Cheesecake!
Cute girls having fun!
My lil buddy!
We woke up to the first snow of the year on Thanksgiving. The kids were so excited! Then, we got to cooking, cooking, cooking! Hayley made a wonderful apple pie, Tehya made the pecan pie, Josh helped make the sweet potatoes, Mike made his s'mores cheesecake, I assisted the kids, and Ethan sat at the table munching on the pecans that G-ma Stick sent us for Christmas. We headed out in the falling snow and had a great meal w/ the Webster and Layer families. The kids had fun playing games the rest of the night. What a fun day! No pics of Josh, they came out blurry! He won't stop moving long enough to get a clear shot!

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